Browse, Bid & Buy


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Auction Timeline
NOW- Register!

NOW- Donate Now

NOW- Donate an Item

NOW- Donate to an individual Team Member Page

10/19- Silent Auction opens at 8:00 AM for bidding!

10/25- Silent Auction closes at 5:00 PM


Register now!  Opt-in to receive text messages to be kept up-to-date on bidding action.


Click to view all items or browse by category to acquaint yourself with all the fabulous baskets, student activities, and much more!  Once you have registered your credit card you may start bidding.  Bid from anywhere using your computer, smartphone or tablet.  You will receive text messages to update you on your bidding status, so check your phones for important notifications.

Please note that your credit card will be charged if you win an item.


If you click here, you can see our "How to Bid" video.


Auction Item Pick Up
If you are the winner of an auction item, we will make arrangements with you to pick up the items you have won at St. Lawrence School on a mutually agreed upon date and time.  Thank you for your support.

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No act of generosity is too small to make a difference.

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Help our cause by creating your own fundraising page today!

Your individual fundraising page allows you to share your story and set a goal. The funds you raise will help make our mission a reality!

We welcome item donations!

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Hosted By

St. Lawrence School


Rochester, NY 14626, USA

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